Julie Grasso and Mark Ostoich have both been a part of the camp from the earliest days. Other oboists that have contributed throughout the camp's history include - Rebecca Collins, Brian Seaton, Ginger Ramsey, Jim Ryon, Petrea Warneck, Shelly Meggison, Pat McFarland, Cynthia Steljes, Yvonne Peterson, John Ellis, Lara Dahl, Robert Sorton and Bailey Sorton. Many of these oboists serve either as professors of some of the finest universities and conservatories in the country or as members of major symphony orchestras. Opportunities have been provided for many of the students that have attended the camp through recruitment opportunities at many of the universities that have been represented by the faculty.
Much of the music for sale on this website has been created for the faculty by the incredible abilities of Charles Sayre. Mark Ostoich regularly performs many of the solos at master classes he teaches throughout the country. Charles Sayre has provided a rich body of music that is exciting to listen to, fun to play and memorable. Please make sure to listen to the recordings that are available on this website.
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